Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beautiful Work from A Student in our Beginning Class

This is a picture of a pendant done by a student in our "Beginning 3 Day Intensive Class" in January. The student, Ron Wehde, writes ".... can't wait for the intermediate class. A big thanks again to Judith. She is a great instructor".
Ron was also kind enough to include some pictures of his fellow students. Thanks Ron and we will see you February 19th, 20th and 21st for our 3 day Intermediate Intensive class.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Give Us Your Tucson Wish List!

We at Pouncing Rain are always trying to bring you the tools, gems, findings, beads and cabs you want. So, we have decided to let you give us your "Tucson Wish List". What would you be looking for if you were going to Tucson? Just click here to go to our website and fill out our wish list form. We will try our best to find the items you are looking for.